
Five vegetarian wood improve skin roughness

Potato - moisturize the skin

Potato have moist skin, make rough skin becomes smooth. Potato and other vegetables, like slippery containing nourishing, strong effects and a variety of enzymes, mucin. These components enable activation of cell functions, increase metabolism. These functions are available to strengthen the stomach, promote digestion, improve constipation caused by rough skin. Potato mixed with salty prunes, better metabolism beautify the skin.

Lotus - promote metabolism

Lotus root is rich in vitamin c and minerals, with efficacy, its hemostatic effect better known. Lotus recently proved beneficial to the heart, can be controlled can promote metabolism, prevent rough skin effect. Lotus porridge Of particular efficacy, and lotus seeds if combined, the effect is better, simply by adding 30 grams of porridge lotus.

Fungus - moisturize the skin

Fungus is rich in vitamins and minerals, purify the blood to the effect that the skin good food. China since ancient times regarded as longevity is not old, nourish, strong and beauty products saint. Fungus There are many dietary fiber, it is suitable for normal skin roughness due to constipation caused by eating. Fry or make soup can, can eat some, fungus plus dates of dextrose, the effect is doubled.

Plum - smooth skin

Plum is a variety of excellent food utility. Have the effect of eating or coated, has always been deemed baby. If using coated, not only to treat skin diseases, but also improve skin roughness. Especially prunes soaked salty wine, the better.

2 ~ 3 cup salted plum sake, just soak for one week. Bath, get soaked wine while wiping carefully massaging the skin, the skin will gradually become smooth. Especially for dry and horny skin more effectively.


Eat 12 kinds of food so that the skin getting better


Cherry iron content is 20 times the apple , pear , 30 times, while the iron is an essential component of hemoglobin in the blood , the blood of course, plenty of skin rosy ! Cherries are also rich in carotene , can be converted in the body into vitamin A, make the skin soft and delicate , eliminate coarse wrinkles.

Lychee :

Litchi vitamin A, B1, C, also contain pectin, amino acids, protein and iron , phosphorus , calcium and a variety of elements . Litchi have kidney , improve liver function, accelerate the toxin exclusion , to promote cell growth, make the skin delicate and so on , is the ideal detoxifies fruit .

Lemon :

Lemon is a fruit of beauty to share , because rich in vitamin C, organic acids, minerals and other nutrients for skin whitening . However , citric flavor too, may be out of juice directly into the dish , or made into lemon drink .


Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, not only can whiten the skin , but also improve the skin's antioxidant capacity, effective whitening the skin , remove freckles and pimples , while enhancing the ability of anti-aging skin . In addition, kiwifruit is also rich in soluble fiber and minerals, skin health is very good.

Seabuckthorn :

Seabuckthorn is known as the king of the name of vitamin C , vitamin C content of sea buckthorn juice kiwi is 2-3 times . Sea buckthorn also contains a variety of vitamins , fatty acids , trace elements , sub -prime oil , sea buckthorn flavonoids, superoxide and other active substances and various amino acids needed by the body , called the skin of the best fruit.

Apple :

Apple nutritious, is a widely used natural beauty fruit. Apples contain large amounts of water and a variety of moisturizing factor of the skin moisturizing effect, vitamin C can inhibit melanin in the skin calm , eat apples can dilute facial freckles and melasma . In addition, apples contain abundant acid composition can make pores clear , there are acne effect.

White radish :

White radish is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, can inhibit melanin synthesis, preventing fat oxidation, preventing lipofuscin deposition . Therefore , eat white radish can make the skin pale and delicate .


Carrot known as " skin food", to moisturize the skin . In addition , carrots are rich in pectin substances, can be combined with mercury , so that the body of harmful ingredients can be ruled out , the skin looks more delicate rosy.

Mushrooms :

Mushrooms nutritious, rich in protein and vitamins, low fat, no cholesterol. Edible mushrooms make more vigorous female hormone estrogen , anti-old age , making skin beautiful.

Sprouts :

Sprouts can prevent freckles, dark spots, skin whitening .


Cucumber contains a lot of vitamins and amino acids , as well as abundant acid , to clean and whiten skin, eliminating sunburn and freckles , alleviate skin allergies, is a traditional beauty products saint .

Tomato :

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is the most powerful nutrients like antioxidants . In addition, one of the carotenoids in the elimination of oxygen free radicals are also very good. Daily consumption of 50 to 100 grams of fresh tomatoes, you can meet the needs of several vitamins and minerals .


Let the old woman does not weaken the almond tea and Zaoni yam cake

Almond Tea
Ingredients: sweet almond 100 grams, 50 grams of rice.
Method: Wash the glutinous rice and almonds and soak for 4-6 hours, together into a blender with gauze filter juice. Pot a little water, put sugar with preferences, heating, and other sugar is completely melted, then the previously prepared almond juice into the rice, boil. A bowl of warm fragrant and delicious almond tea on the well.

Zaoni yam cake
Ingredients: Fresh yam 650 g, 100 g seedless red dates, wolfberry 1 tablespoon sugar 4 tablespoons rice flour 3 tbsp.


Repeatedly proven to help you fight off illness---- Vegetarian

Cancer prevention

Because naturally contain low in saturated fat , high in fiber , and a large number of anti-cancer phytochemicals , vegetarian help prevent cancer. In the UK and Germany, large-scale study conducted showed that compared with meat eaters , vegetarians cancer incidence rate is about 40% lower . In the U.S., a member of Seventh-day Adventists studies have shown that people who avoid meat cancer risk was significantly reduced. Again, like in China and other plant-based diet as the basic diet in countries incidence of breast cancer is much lower. Interestingly, in order to follow the Western meat -based diet of Japanese women with breast cancer believe in the possibility of a more traditional plant-based diet for women eight times . Meat and dairy products are a variety of cancers, including colon, breast , ovarian and prostate cancer causes.

Harvard University, tens of thousands of women and men research shows that regular consumption of meat increases the risk of colon cancer approximately 300% , high- fat diet also causes the body to produce estrogen , particularly estradiol . Breast cancer and elevated estradiol levels . A recent report pointed out that the consumption of animal fats largest group of premenopausal women with breast cancer incidence rate in consumption of animal fat, a group of women at least one-third higher . ( Vegetable fat no such difference ) . Another study by the University of Cambridge also shows that a diet high in saturated fat associated with breast cancer . One study showed that dairy products and ovarian cancer risk increased about. Break down lactose ( milk sugar ) in the process became obvious damage galactose ovaries. Meat per day increased the risk of prostate enlargement twice the risk of drinking milk regularly doubled without regular consumption of vegetables is nearly three times the risk .

Vegetarians avoid eating animal fat associated with cancer , and get rich in fiber , vitamins, and anti-cancer phytochemicals . In addition, the analysis shows that vegetarians blood containing higher levels of "natural killer cells ." Such specialized white blood cells to attack cancer cells .

Beat heart disease

Vegetarian diet can help prevent heart disease. Animal products are the major source of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet only source . Vegetarians avoid these dangerous products. In addition , fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels and animal products do not contain any fibers. When people switch to high-fiber , low-fat diet , their serum cholesterol levels tend to decline significantly . Studies have shown that low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian or vegan diet and stress reduction, smoking cessation , and exercise combined with prudent drug intervention or compatible , can actually reverse atherosclerosis. The so-called cardiac diet ( this diet containing meat , dairy products, chicken ) is far less effective , usually only slow down the process of atherosclerosis .


In the early 1900s , nutritionists found that people who do not eat meat lower blood pressure . They also found that eating vegetarian can be in two weeks, significantly reduce a person's blood pressure. These significant results and the level of sodium in vegetarian irrelevant . Vegetarians usually lower blood pressure . No one knows exactly why vegetarian so effective, but may be due to reduced consumption of meat , dairy products and plus fat can reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing blood pressure. Plant products are generally low in fat and sodium -containing and no cholesterol. Vegetables and fruits are also rich in potassium , which helps lower blood pressure.

Prevent and reverse diabetes

Through a low-fat vegetarian diet plus regular exercise , non-insulin -dependent diabetes ( adult-onset ) diabetes can be better controlled , and sometimes even a full recovery. Low-fat, high-fiber and multi- complex carbohydrate diet can make insulin more effective role to play. Diabetes can more easily regulate blood sugar levels . Although we can not eliminate influenza vegetarian diabetes ( insulin-dependent ) insulin needs, but can often reduce insulin usage. Some scientists believe that insulin-dependent diabetes may be caused by autologous immune response of dairy proteins caused .

Gallstones, kidney stones and osteoporosis

Vegetarian diet has been shown to reduce the formation of kidney stones and gallstones opportunities. High in protein , especially animal protein diet high , often causes the body to secrete more calcium, oxalate , and uric acid . These three substances are the main components of urinary tract stones . British researchers suggest there is a tendency to kidney stones should vegetarian. American Academy of Family Physicians that high animal protein intake is kidney stones in the U.S. and other developed countries the main reason for the high fat and protein intake by limiting the proposal to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones .

Similarly, high cholesterol, high fat diet , that the typical meat- based diet and gallstone formation. Women eating meat risk of gallstones is vegetarian women twice .

For many of the same reasons, vegetarians lower risk of osteoporosis . Because animal products cause the discharge of calcium from the body , eating meat will lead to bone loss. In the main vegetable diet ( no dairy intake ) countries , osteoporosis is less common than the U.S. , although they calcium intake is lower than the Americans . Calcium is important, but did not need calcium intake from dairy products .


Mushroom sauce noodles

Mushrooms, mushrooms, carrots, soy sauce, chili, olive oil, two drops of sesame oil, a little pepper.


12 major benefits of a vegetarian

1 significantly reduce cancer lesions: Vegetarian containing large amounts of antioxidants that can protect cells from the food in the cell for oxidation of mitochondrial energy high activity of nascent oxygen damage, reduces the formation of cancer diseased cells . World countries with the highest cancer mortality in New Zealand ( more than half ) , because they have been of the highest rates of meat ( flesh-eating three meals a day ) ! Vegan inadequate !

(2) reduce the nameless disease: the slain beast, before his death there were a lot of hormones , people eat after all have adverse effects , especially with human genes similar to mammals ( red meat ) , they secrete death "fear hormone" ( adrenaline ) and died immediately start generating the "corpse toxins" , "corrupt elements " in the long-term consumption , will produce a lot of unexplained kidney disease , infertility, neuralgia , insomnia, hyperkinesia other diseases like .

3 does not precocious puberty : Many children precocious puberty ( P5 and P6 appeared sexuality ) , is mainly fed by their parents long fight "GH " feed meat caused !

4 no thrombosis, non-comedogenic : meat brought lipids will produce micro- capillary blockage caused by blood clots and showed partial malnutrition or semi- necrotic skin pigmentation, uneven skin , heart palpitations , and even stroke and other diseases, so the beauty of women , the elderly meat should be reduced , or even off the meat . Face has acne people pay attention : your skin unhealthy cholesterol excretion ( bad cholesterol ) . The more people who produce thrombosis acne the more chance ! Vegetarians "No acne " !

5 Avoid Osteoporosis: Vegetarian allows the body is alkaline conditions to avoid causing bone acidic melt out and get the " osteoporosis " ( vegetarian nobody have this disease , which is nearly 20 years scientific discovery ) .

6 Reducing endocrine disorders problem : Many people endocrine disorders ( also nameless disease ) is probably the cause of lack of adequate antioxidants and acidic competent endocrine cause cell damage caused by coordination ( eg: kidney, liver, pineal gland , thymus, pancreas , thyroid and other endocrine organs ... ) .

7 significantly improve immunity : Stop animal protein intake can significantly improve immunity against viruses ( see Annex Research Report ) , on a cold , SARS ( SARS ), AIDS and other viruses can significantly reduce the chances of infection ! Vegetarians easy to get sick !

8 There is no odor , no cause and effect : vegetarians there is no " body odor ." People who eat meat because of the skin and lungs will be discharged into the belly of the dead have been eating meat contained "corpse toxins" "corrupt elements " and produce body odor , bad breath. Animals killed from the moment "corpse toxins" "corrupt elements " began to produce a large number , after 24 hours at room temperature not eat meat , eat poisoning sick . 12 hours barely eat, but will produce an unpleasant odor . 6 hours the body odor halved ! Minus three hours to eat , but it will be pain , hatred, revenge and therefore there will be problems !

9 Eat high-quality , pure nutrition: soy , rice has been able to provide enough protein the body needs, especially soy milk, tofu is the best source of protein , "do not eat meat " will never malnutrition ! Most vegetarians eat ruddy is the best written proof !

10 for the hungry, there is a significant contribution to the global environment : the world now limited arable land inadequate food production , resulting in rising food prices , food shortages . Over ninety percent are feed meat meat, a pound of meat, cereals about 12 pounds to use to develop , so eat a piece of meat can make twelve hungry kids to eat a meal ! Also, the number of the beast is the population of the three times , and pollutant emissions of methane are warming the Earth has been a heavy burden , so the vegetarian world food shortage, there is a huge contribution to global environmental protection . Boundless !

11 Avoid causal revenge : the company has actually happened to kill a father of a child due to the big fish eat the meat it was revenge revenge causal events. Buddha said it also meat meat causal theory is absolutely true , it should be less meat not to kill the pro- pro- eating . Less bad pratyaya knot with beings in order to avoid the pain when the meat also .

12 a healthier, more energetic : the beginning of a vegetarian will be about 15 days adaptation period would be more vulnerable to hunger ! But two weeks after the body will adapt and begin with physical Shutai Xiang and energetic feeling. Efficiency in the use of food the body will be substantially improved , eating very little can also be a healthy life.


Vegetarian healthy: eat four kinds of fruits and vegetables you 10 years younger

1, pumpkin

In the era of food shortages, pumpkin was once a rice flourish, but today's well-off society, why still so pretty pumpkin do? There are three reasons: First, pumpkin sweet and delicious; Second, pumpkin contains extremely rich in vitamin A, can strengthen the mucous membranes, prevent colds, while preventing rough skin, beauty, fitness results, but also the prevention of corneal xerophthalmia, night blindness, etc.; three modern medical discoveries, pumpkin contains trace elements cobalt, zinc, copper and pectin, can promote human insulin the normal secretion, which can effectively control pumpkin diabetes, hypertension and some liver and kidney disease, can enhance the anti-anemia, cancer's ability to rid the body of toxic bacteria, reducing the risk of colon cancer, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis atherosclerosis.

2 carrots

Also known as yellow turnip, is a nutritious, good for all ages vegetables, Fitch said "little ginseng." Carrot ingredient is the most prestigious carotene - which is a yellow pigment, a hundred years ago, first discovered in carrots. Now know that carrots hectogram 1.35-17.25 mg of carotene, more than other vegetables, potatoes 360 times, 36 times the celery. Carotene is absorbed into the body, can be converted into vitamin A, vitamin A so called carotenoids. Valuable is that despite the cook steamed carrots and sun, which carotene little loss.

3, tomato

It is said that a few hundred years ago, the tomato is still unknown. Later, Peru, a girl, suffering from anemia, coupled with the pain of lost love, she would eat a poisonous plant from the best, who knows after she devoured the fruit of tomato, his face flushed, and eat, the more rosy friends she not only did not die, but to restore health and become more beautiful. What is the reason? Original tomato fruit contains very rich in protein, carbohydrates, Jiong acid, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, etc., which can be beauty watermelon vitamin C content equivalent to 10 times, is simply a vitamin warehouse. It also includes the promotion of youth growth and development of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, as well as inhibition of bacterial growth tomato pigment.

4, bitter gourd
Bitter melon nutrition and health characteristics: First, it contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and alkaloids; Secondly, containing galacturonic acid and pectin is greater. The bitterness from the bitter quinine alkaloids. These nutrients can promote appetite, diuretic, blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and refreshing and so on. Modern scientific research has found that bitter melon in the "polypeptide-P" substance is a class of insulin, have lower blood sugar. Xi'an Medical clothing exports from bitter melon extract insulin. U.S. scientists also found that bitter melon contains a protein lipids, stimulate and strengthen the immune cells in animals devour ability of cancer cells, it together with quinine alkaloids in the body play a role in cancer. 


The benefits of eating whole grains

① whole grains foods are flat, so long-term consumption of whole grains to avoid the occurrence of hot sexually transmitted diseases, because the vast majority of human diseases are of hot sexually transmitted diseases.
② prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
③ role in prevention and treatment of diabetes.
④ treatment of constipation.
⑤ weight loss.
⑥ humans eat whole grains not only the stench of feces does not form, but also a therapeutic effect, which is wrapped enterotoxin!
⑦ combat infertility.
⑧ combat depression.
⑨ antiasthmatic effect. Grains with relieve bronchial spasm, the principle is unknown.
⑩ anticancer effects.


People with diabetes, how to eat healthy vegetarian

In addition to diabetic diet intake of nutrients the body needs , the most important is the glycemic control .
In the principle of a balanced diet , understanding food containing sugar and edible regular quantitative , for great help stabilize blood sugar .
The American Diabetes Association recommends blood glucose treatment goals , fasting blood glucose should not exceed 130mg/dl, and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose is best controlled at 180mg/dl or less.
If high blood sugar regardless of laissez-faire , hurt is distributed in the body's blood vessels , and vascular damage arising out of the complications of diabetes, will begin to appear one after another .
Most of diabetic vascular complications , of which , the most common cardiovascular diseases , causing the highest mortality . At present, many of the common variety of fast food fried or high-oil processing vegetarian dishes as well as fried bean bag , fried tofu , fried mushroom, fried sweet potatoes , vegetarian row, toon cake , etc., are likely to cause hyperlipidemia , hypertension, obesity and other cardiovascular diseases.
Vegetarian diabetes when diet principles are the following : natural high fiber , low fat low salt , the amount of fruit and nuts every day comprehensive .
Avoid too fine or too many processed foods program to rough , natural , high-fiber foods . Such as brown rice , barley , oats ; pasta , then the choice of soba or pasta ; refrigerated overnight after a meal , etc., low glycemic index foods, can make blood sugar rise slowly, to help reduce diabetes situation .
Multi-use drip cooking dishes such as salad , steamed , stewed, roasted, hot. Vegetarian no peeling problems, but when we eat fried food, still have to remove excessive skin movements not only eat up 80% of the fat , but also helps control sugar .
There are many diabetes vegetarians that fruits rich in fiber and vitamins are mostly okay, but the fruit is one of sugary foods , still need regular meals intake.
Proposal will put the fruit as a snack between meals , eat only one time , and as far as possible with fresh based. Avoid candied fruit , dried fruit , canned fruit or fruit juice , in order to avoid loss of glycemic control .
In addition, most processed soy products or vegetarian synthetic materials , have been previously added seasonings , so the cook can not recapture other seasonings , or may eat too much salt .
Therefore, the natural traditional soy is still the best choice.
Many studies have described micronutrients such as selenium , Ge , magnesium, calcium , blood glucose control for help, although there is no clear result , vegan diet is easier to lack of certain micronutrients , and nuts contain a variety of trace elements and massive minerals, so the United States , Canada dietitians Association recommends : vegetarians should be comprehensive daily supplement of 2 tablespoons nuts ( except kidney disease ) , obtain sufficient micronutrients. However, nuts are fats and oils, so they must be counted among the components of fat intake day , still should not eat. In addition to diabetic diet intake of nutrients the body needs , the most important is the glycemic control .
In the principle of a balanced diet , understanding food containing sugar and edible regular quantitative , for great help stabilize blood sugar .
The American Diabetes Association recommends blood glucose treatment goals , fasting blood glucose should not exceed 130mg/dl, and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose is best controlled at 180mg/dl or less.
If high blood sugar regardless of laissez-faire , hurt is distributed in the body's blood vessels , and vascular damage arising out of the complications of diabetes, will begin to appear one after another .
Most of diabetic vascular complications , of which , the most common cardiovascular diseases , causing the highest mortality . At present, many of the common variety of fast food fried or high-oil processing vegetarian dishes as well as fried bean bag , fried tofu , fried mushroom, fried sweet potatoes , vegetarian row, toon cake , etc., are likely to cause hyperlipidemia , hypertension, obesity and other cardiovascular diseases.
Vegetarian diabetes when diet principles are the following : natural high fiber , low fat low salt , the amount of fruit and nuts every day comprehensive .
Avoid too fine or too many processed foods program to rough , natural , high-fiber foods . Such as brown rice , barley , oats ; pasta , then the choice of soba or pasta ; refrigerated overnight after a meal , etc., low glycemic index foods, can make blood sugar rise slowly, to help reduce diabetes situation .
Multi-use drip cooking dishes such as salad , steamed , stewed, roasted, hot. Vegetarian no peeling problems, but when we eat fried food, still have to remove excessive skin movements not only eat up 80% of the fat , but also helps control sugar .
There are many diabetes vegetarians that fruits rich in fiber and vitamins are mostly okay, but the fruit is one of sugary foods , still need regular meals intake.
Proposal will put the fruit as a snack between meals , eat only one time , and as far as possible with fresh based. Avoid candied fruit , dried fruit , canned fruit or fruit juice , in order to avoid loss of glycemic control .
In addition, most processed soy products or vegetarian synthetic materials , have been previously added seasonings , so the cook can not recapture other seasonings , or may eat too much salt .
Therefore, the natural traditional soy is still the best choice.
Many studies have described micronutrients such as selenium , Ge , magnesium, calcium , blood glucose control for help, although there is no clear result , vegan diet is easier to lack of certain micronutrients , and nuts contain a variety of trace elements and massive minerals, so the United States , Canada dietitians Association recommends : vegetarians should be comprehensive daily supplement of 2 tablespoons nuts ( except kidney disease ) , obtain sufficient micronutrients. However, nuts are fats and oils, so they must be counted among the components of fat intake day , still should not eat.


Creamy carrot soup

Ingredients: carrots 250 g onions 50 g water amount

Seasoning: olive oil Salt to taste mushroom essence 1/8 tablespoons whipping cream right amount of plant


Enhance immunity vegetarian

Establishment of the body antioxidant defense system
Scientific research shows that the antioxidant capacity of colorful fruits and vegetables their rich color from the first: red strawberries, green broccoli, orange carrots, purple grapes ...... has been able to show a variety of colors, because these substances can be colored protect plants from atmospheric oxidation process. The reason they appear to have color, because the chemical structure of these substances can absorb visible light. In other words, this chemistry can neutralize free radical damage. Apples example, a complete apples can be stored for several days, but a cut apple, some will soon flesh turns brown oxidation. This is because the red apple in oxidation resistance to contain beneficial substances.
In addition to colored substances can help anti-oxidation, a variety of other fruits and vegetables also contain antioxidants that can help strengthen your own "antioxidant defense system." Vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants are common. "Time Magazine" has chosen the most antioxidant capacity of 10 kinds of food, tomato ranked first. Because tomatoes are rich in lycopene, and lycopene antioxidant capacity of vitamin C, 20 times.
       Dr. Susan particular reminder, it's better to eat cooked tomato antioxidant capacity doubled. In addition In addition, grapes, green tea, garlic, broccoli, etc. are the common market excellent antioxidant food. Including garlic, ginger has also been known in the country, but because there are a lot of people without strong odor like. Dr. Susan recommended a strong piece of allicin, allicin extract with other different products, in addition to containing the high-quality garlic extract, but also onion powder, olive leaf extract and ginger ingredients, improve immunity function doubled. Allicin tablets and enteric coating technology is used to avoid stomach irritation, it will not leave bad breath, is a simple antioxidant supplements an excellent choice.


Apple and green tea healthy diet

1 Methods:
An apple labeled as juice, add 1 tsp green tea powder, 1 drink each morning and evening, to drink with apple pomace into even, can make you slim and beautiful.

2 Weight loss principle:
Apples are rich in potassium, and potassium can not only mitigate the excessive intake of sodium caused by edema, potassium has a diuretic effect, can be the body of excess water discharge.


Vegetarian diet can improve intelligence

According to human physiology prove that the brain's activity from the brain cells interact with the pros and cons of the two forces , they continue to impact the human brain to form a so-called " thinking" ; impact to the end , there is always a the role of the win, this is what we usually say "decision ." But to make the brain cells are able to fully play its positive and negative effects , it is necessary to supply sufficient nutrients necessary for brain cells . Such nutrients, mainly wheat acid, vitamin B, and oxygen , and food places full of cereals and legumes, including wheat acids and vitamins B richest ; meat is followed and the amount of micro , so we should implement vegetarian people in order to obtain more robust mental , but also to improve the wisdom and judgment .
Memories of thirty or forty years ago, when the medical profession that want to improve intelligence, should eat foods phosphorus and iron . Which is based cortical cells lacking phosphorus , they affect the brain ; nerve lack of phosphorus , then unresponsive. As for iron, which is an important factor to improve intelligence , the body if the lack of iron , then suffering from anemia, headache , rapid heartbeat , forgetfulness, body tired embolism, such a person , reading scores naturally poor. Food for school so closely linked , so the young students may not know common sense and vegetarian nutrition benefits .
Everyone wants to become the world's most intelligent people , especially a student who always want Yimushihang , never forget . To want to improve intelligence, so he is brain, but also make up the body . According to legend, the Chinese people with a misconception of human weakness , with the help of flesh ; another thought eating liver Bugan , food can nourish the brain the brain naturally . Former science developed , we do not know pigs, sheep, bovine brain , the human body contains bad cholesterol in the brain brain food under the misconception that there are many rich kids become dull , but less " bite cabbages incense " poor children smart. So the community is often encouraged to hear some of the underprivileged children of proverbs, such as " the phase of the non- species, Tall in the saddle ," or " bite Caigenxiang , Fang is the odd man ," and even the " white house out how many lords " of sigh ! but how many people know that " vegetarian much wisdom ," the truth too !
Our Buddhist community , to pursue Mahayana Buddhism , monks and nuns all vegetarian . From ancient times, Buddhist monks men , or superior wisdom , or articulate . Renowned the world over as Buddhism, Taoism safety ; just high five printed Tang Xuan Zang ; wise ninety Tan Miao ; Seng Routes to featured ; cool article for the Emperor moral teacher ; Lianchi solution corresponding to the line for eight generations of ancestors. Case of senior monks , Bukeshengji . Although men say their Dharma practice , therefore, Fu Hui growth, while the Buddha statue OK , perennial vegetarian for improving intelligence is also a big cause .


Beauty Seven colorful tofu soup

Carrots, fresh mushrooms, mushrooms, tomato, tofu, coriander, mustard, broken rice.


Study said vegetarians live longer than meat eaters

Back in the seventies and eighties, Loma Linda University in California to complete a series of studies since 1958 began to tens of thousands of believers Sabbath (members mostly vegetarian) conducted a follow-up survey. The first study to show that vegetarians live longer than meat eaters. The study also found that vegetarians often eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans and other foods can help reduce cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes and other disease risk, helps control the quality of body mass (BMI) and waist circumference, and promote brain health.
In 2002, Loma Linda University funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health to further complete the follow-up to "The Sabbath believers of two." New study leader Dr. Gary E Fraser 2012 American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference exhibition, said the new study larger, from the United States and Canada, involving 96,000 participants who. The results showed that the average life expectancy between men and women vegetarian 83.3 and 85.7 years old, which is more than other populations in California, the average life expectancy 9.5 years and 6.1 years higher.
"The Sabbath believers study 2" also found that: Vegetarian average weight 30 pounds lighter than meat eaters (about 13.6 kg); BMI low five points; insulin resistance lower probability. In addition, compared with obese body lean people are more likely to exercise regularly, eat vegetarian and non-smokers. This suggests that a variety of factors superimposed together to improve the overall health of vegetarians. The study also found that limiting animal food fish vegetarians and semi-vegetarians (eat meat once a week), there is a certain lifestyle disease risk reduction.



*****&Know medical efficacy of tomatoes&*****

1, treatment of hepatitis:

Take a small spoonful of tomato, celery, carrot at the end, lard the Banchi, stir boiling rice porridge boiled, add salt, MSG eaten in moderation, with excellent results for the treatment of hepatitis;

2, heatstroke:

The 1 to 2 tomato slices, a little salt or sugar, soup, hot drinks, can prevent heat stroke;

3, treatment of hypertension:

Every morning choose a ~ 2 fresh ripe tomatoes dipped in sugar to eat fasting, blood pressure lowering effect is obvious;

4, treatment of anemia:

The tomatoes, apples each one, sesame seeds 15 grams, once finished, eat 1 to 2 times daily, long-term adherence, can cure anemia;

5, treatment of skin diseases:

The fresh ripe tomatoes, peeled and seeds after the mash and apply the affected area 2 to 3 times a day, can cure fungal infections of the skin;

6, beauty, anti-aging:

Smashed juice of fresh ripe tomatoes, add a little sugar, a day with its painted surface, make the skin smooth and delicate, beauty anti-aging effect is excellent;

7, back fever:

The tomato juice and half a cup of watermelon juice mixed drink, one drink per hour, retreat fever;

8, cure bleeding gums:

Wash the tomatoes when the fruit to eat, ate half, can cure bleeding gums.

9, anti-cancer:

Because tomatoes not only nutritious, and has a strong detoxification, inhibition of pathological effects, raw food every day for 1 to 2 fresh ripe tomatoes, anti-cancer and may play a role in cancer adjuvant therapy;

10, cure ulcers:

Peptic ulcer patients with mild, you can squeeze the juice of half a cup of tomato and potato mixed drink, daily morning and evening, and even served 10 times, ulcers may be more.


Beauty anti-cancer three mushrooms braised broccoli

Ingredients: nameko, oyster mushrooms, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, ginkgo.


Vegetarians should pay attention to the four basic principles


Taiwan is the world where a high proportion of vegetarians, a considerable number of vegetarian restaurants and more, there are from the mainland to visit Taiwan before going to worry about vegetarians vegetarian restaurant is hard to find, but the one to the airport will be able to find a vegetarian restaurant, not to mention to the city, it is easy to find all kinds of vegetarian restaurants. Taiwanese vegetarian culture, vegetarian nutrition research is well developed and it is a Yahoo Kimo knowledge about how healthy vegetarian articles:
Some patients believe that Taiwan's vegetarian health help, but some people think vegetarian easy undernourished, sick people should not be vegetarian. In this regard, Hualien Tzu Chi Medical Center Rehabilitation physician Jane Shi-lin said that just getting started with vegetarian who often commit some mistakes, so that the nutritional intake is not balanced, in fact, a vegetarian is learned, it is recommended want vegetarian people should grasp the four principles for a healthy vegetarian diet can really make extra points.
Principle a choice of food should be diversified. Although a considerable number of plant nutrients, but to different types of food intake in order to take into account the quality, so vegetarians best daily intake of thirty different kinds of fruits and vegetables, rice, coupled with the concept of colors, choice of yellow, red, black, green, white, etc. Different colors of food, doing so is because of the different color represents which contain different nutrients.
Focus on two complementary principles specific nutrients. Vegan people most likely to lack vitamin B12, so be especially vegan who consume kelp, seaweed, beetroot and other foods containing vitamin B12. In addition, plant foods, iron, calcium ratio is relatively low, so more intake of seaweed, algae, moss and red amaranth and other orang-iron foods, as well as white amaranth, sesame seeds, dark green vegetables and other calcium-rich food.
Principle three eat processed foods or preserved foods. Many vegetarian chicken, vegetarian duck, vegetarian fish are legumes processed products, these processed foods are mainly of beans, often add a lot of artificial flavors, resulting in the lack of variety of food ingredients, which has been confirmed with pickled foods upper gastrointestinal malignancy, it is best not to eat too much.
Principle IV attention to food match. Plant more types of protein, but can not bring a single kind of food is usually complete amino acid the body, so vegetarians should pay more attention mix of different types of foods, such as cereals and legumes should be eaten together, or mix milk and sesame eating is a good combination.


Giant peacock lamp made ​​by potatos

Whole peacock lamp raw materials are potato products .Is determined by five people use the first seven days of the time made ​​into potato starch, vermicelli in repression, sculpture, drying and finally add a variety of lanterns into the process made many other . Peacock lights sparkling in the light irradiation


Benefits of vegetarianism do you really know

 With the improvement of living standards, modern fat, protein fat, sugar intake, resulting in nutrition, nutritional disorders. From the nutritional point of view, the human diet with meat and vegetables should be the golden ratio 2:5, ie 2 points 6 points prime meat. However, with the economic development and living standards improve, people tend to eat more animal foods, and even this proportion fell over, became a sub-prime meat 7 points. The so-called disease from the mouth, unhealthy eating habits is the formation of a variety of modern diseases such as obesity, diabetes and other diseases of the roots. International Vegetarian Day determined to remind people to get out of this substandard diet, eat vegetarian food, develop healthy eating habits.
Further, since the meat more calories, cellulose content, after digestion a large amount of manure produced is not beneficial intestinal peristalsis. Long-term accumulation of feces in the intestine, water is absorbed and becomes dry and the formation of constipation. Meanwhile, the accumulation of feces in the intestine, which has been the intestinal absorption of toxins, would create bad breath, fullness, vomiting and other symptoms. In contrast, contains a lot of vegetables and many vegetarian cellulose, can increase intestinal peristalsis and promote defecation, is conducive to human health. Here we take a look at what are the benefits to a vegetarian diet
The benefits of a vegetarian diet: longevity often vegetarian can play the role of longevity. According to nutritionists, vegetarians than non-vegetarians better longevity. Turns muddy northern Pakistan and the Indian central Mexico, are all original vegetarian nation, the average life expectancy is extremely high, enviable. Buddhist monks also factor in food and enjoy longevity.
The benefits of vegetarianism 2: Reduce the accumulation of toxins vegetarian nutrition is very easily digested and absorbed in the stomach does not digest meat, and even goes to fashion a majority of the large intestine undigested or only half digested meat so corrupt heyday in the large intestine, and the bring toxic, harmful.
The benefits of vegetarianism 3: Vegetarian reduce cholesterol levels in the blood cholesterol is always contained less than meat eaters, blood cholesterol levels if too many, often, can cause blood vessel blockage, a high blood pressure, heart disease and other illnesses the main reason.
The benefits of vegetarianism 4: can prevent cancer and meat is closely related to some cancers, especially colon cancer, factors that food contains a lot of fiber, can stimulate motility speed, which will help purge, so that the body of harmful substances discharged real time, reducing the harmful substances on the intestinal wall stimulation damage. According to U.S. research data show that vegetarians low incidence of cancer than meat eaters twenty to forty percent, coupled with gastric cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and food toxins, vegetarian really can delay cancer changes.
The benefits of vegetarianism 5: To reduce chronic renal insufficiency in terms of kidney disease, eating vegetarian, reduce burden on the kidney, without reducing protein intake. There are also vegetarian literature report to improve rheumatoid arthritis, plus vegetarian diet can improve immunity, can prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.
The benefits of vegetarianism 6: Avoid excessive uric acid often Meat and generate excessive uric acid, causing a heavy load on the kidneys, kidney stones and kidney failure, and the occurrence of a certain relationship, vegetarian diet can eliminate this effect.
The benefits of vegetarianism 7: Helps body acid-base neutralization and human physique is alkaline, the meat becomes too easy to make body fluids acidic, and increase the chances of becoming sick, vegetarian diet would help the pH of body and.
The benefits of vegetarianism 8: Reducing risk of pancreatitis caused by eating a lot of meat causes a sharp increase in the secretion of trypsin, pancreatic excretion will lead to pancreatitis and other serious digestive diseases. All fruits and vegetables instead of digestible cereal nutrition, easy to direct absorption, plant cellulose can stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, the support is not easy to loose fecal induration and prevent constipation.
The benefits of vegetarianism 9: Stable nervous system in general, vegetarian usual cereals, nuts, vegetables, fruits, including enough protein, carbohydrates, vegetable oils, minerals and vitamins, are a variety of body essential nutrients. Vegetarian buildable body's tissues, but also maintenance repair and generate heat, the supply of human physical, people's blood alkaline based, does not make it hazardous to acidic and rich in vitamins, but also stabilize the nervous system.


Beauty assorted vegetables

[Materials] yam 50 grams, 50 grams of carrots, celery 50 grams, 50 grams of aloe, sugar snap peas, 50 grams, 50 grams of gold melon, lily 10 grams, 5 grams medlar, salt, MSG, sugar, the amount of

[Method] 1, yams, carrots, celery, aloe vera, golden melon clean cut diamond films

 2, the other materials with lily, medlar pot with stir fry, add salt, MSG, sugar to taste Serve。


Meat is cruel and self-mutilation of human greed

Vegetarian food scientist, said: "carnivorous humans both cruel and kind of greed and self-mutilation is not necessary for the body of the human body essential nutrients, completely get food from plants, while plant foods but also eliminates the harmful ingredients in animal food vegetarians are healthier, more intelligent, more dynamic. "vegetarian scientists also showed the results of their research, such as: carnivorous obese nine times more likely than vegetarians, vegetarians cancer 40% lower than average risk of suffering 50% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Gandhi, Einstein, Newton, Edison, Tolstoy, George Bernard Shaw these human hero, are factors that food and longevity. Indian Vegetarian Mahatma Gandhi said: "The Earth can meet everyone's needs, but can not meet everyone's desires." To meet the tongue, in addition to hunting and fishing, the human world is also full of fish and livestock farming, produced on Earth Most food animal intestines thrown into manure. U.S. livestock bigger appetite than Americans, the consumption of food five times more than people. A feed grain statistics: rich meat such as the United States, as much as 70% of the food spoil in various farms. Therefore, vegetarians just such an account: If you live in their own human control carnivorous habit, saved enough to feed grain feed hungry people around the world. "For me, a kid's life and human life as precious." Gandhi's famous phrase vegetarian, vegetarians also humanitarian declaration. In vegetarians seems like people, animals, fish and insects, but also the owner the right to life, that man was the ledge, the life and freedom back to those who trampled the poor animals. Thanksgiving roast turkey is the United States representative food, every year tens of millions of turkeys dying for. On Thanksgiving Day, Maryland a vegetarian groups have invited six jump turkey, vegetarian dinner with them at the same table together. In these vegetarians out there, turkey is no longer sitting dishes, they become a VIP with people on an equal footing. Poultry harmonious scenes kind of person to promote the respect for life, touched more Americans to join vegetarian camp. Stunning move, there must be cautionary effect. Control his tongue this world, too many people control his desires. No taboos, no awe, no believers among the thousands of wild carnivores with any different? Aisi Li said: "The desire for freedom is not out of control, and plenty to enjoy not excessive and we are not demanding we are vegetarian, we just want to let everyone know, with the belief in control of their own desires, human beings will not repeat the fate of the dinosaurs. " Easy to eat meat so unpleasant odor cancer In the end what kind of diet power to change our lives and escape the body. If you want to do a taste elegant man, eliminate body odor is necessary, it not only affects our image, will bring to life a variety of problems. How to change the taste by changing the diet, that is, we have the following to say. If we emphasis on meat, leaving the blood becomes acidic, then the harmful blood acidic substances, there is great in most secreted from sweat, especially underarm sweat secreted from the most, these acidic substances are Stink, so they armpit stench. Vegetarian contain essential human sugar, protein, fat, minerals and rich in vitamins, they delay aging, prevent the occurrence of age-related diseases, improve health has an important role. Vegetables, fruits alkaline food. People usually intake of acidic foods more easily cause acid-base balance disorders, harmful to health. So underarm sweat glands in the human body metabolism can result, most loyal reflected. Foul smell from the armpit, can know the blood is more harmful acids, that is, is a poor quality of the blood. But if instead we vegetarian, the blood becomes slightly alkaline, acidic able to these harmful substances in the blood to be in the inner and, finally, while also excreted to the outside to the same, but without the unpleasant odor, So vegetarian people do not have a bad body odor. By vegetarian taste is entirely feasible to change things, but pay attention to the words vegetarian what do? We take a look at the basics of vegetarian is what. The benefits of vegetarianism Vegetarian very beneficial to human health, not only can make your body smell fragrant odor, it is very much on the health benefits of having in recent years, after a large number of Chinese and foreign scientists confirmed clinical medicine, acidic blood is a variety of cancer cells hotbed, acidic blood cancer recurrence and metastasis probability close to one hundred percent, so, in order to reduce the risk of cancer, vegetarianism is the best choice. Meanwhile, more studies have shown that vegetarian food can purify the blood, prevent constipation and hemorrhoids produce, skincare, regulate body, and emotional stability. And meat than up, vegetarian health aspects of it in a lot of benefits: 1 vegetarian diet is the most natural longevity. 2. Vegetarianism is the most effective and fundamental beauty products saint. 3 vegetarian can reduce the incidence of cancer, especially colorectal cancer, colon cancer. 4 vegetarian can reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and obesity and other chronic diseases. 5 Vegetarian helps to increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis. 6 vegetarian weight loss medicine.


Sesame potatoes vegetable pie

Sesame potatoes vegetable pie

Raw material;

Potatoes, carrots, cabbage, vegetarian meat, sesame

Production methods

(1)Boiled potatoes. Potatoes into cold water immersion. Peeling potatoes from cold water fish, and then pressed into the mud on the menu board spare.

(2)Carrots cooked. Then chop fine alternative on the menu board.

(3)Wash cabbage, cut into filaments spare.

(4)Vegetarian meat cut at the end.

(5)Mashed potatoes, carrot at the end, cabbage silk, vegetarian meat, salt, pepper and mix well, add some starch mix well together. , Then shape into oval form pie./P>

(6)The finish of the potato cake, microwave oven, high heat for 5 minutes out. Take a pan, put a little oil into the pan, put into the pot potato pie.

(7)With curry powder, curry sauce for baking, pour the pan. Then decorated with lemon wedges, tomato slices, lettuce match.


Fun vegetable and fruit

Fun vegetable and fruit


Anti-cancer small taro pearl rice

 Papaya (Papaya), also known as pumpkin, rind is smooth and beautiful, sweet and delicious, nutritious, daily consumption in most of the raw fruit, fruit juice or fruit juice machine labeled drinking can also be made vegan, fried, boiled, pickled or processed made of candied fruit and other food, there is "one hundred benefits of the fruit", "fruits of the Emperor" and "Longevity melon," Blair said.

Papaya Rich folded more than seven amino acid and calcium, iron, etc., also contains papain and papaya alkali. Its vitamin c content is Apple's six times more than half a medium-sized papaya sufficient for adult day requirement of vitamin C.

Papaya has Jianpixiaoshi role. Papaya papain, can be broken down into fatty acids. There is also a papaya enzyme that can digest protein, help the body digest food and absorb; Its unique papaya alkali with anti-tumor effect, and can prevent human carcinogen eleven ammonium nitrite synthesis, on lymphoblastic leukemia cells has a strong anticancer activity.

Papaya and warm, nutrient easily absorbed directly by the skin, especially the function of the lungs can play. When the lungs are properly moisturize after feasible qi and blood circulation, the skin becomes smooth, soft, delicate, and therefore reduce wrinkles, ruddy face. Eat papaya, you can prolong life.

Papaya enzyme addition to help digestion, it can also help the body break down fat, but also can promote skin metabolism, help dissolve the accumulation of sebum in the pores and aging skin. Papaya enzyme also about many skin care products is one of the important ingredients.

Papaya also contains ingredients to promote breast flow, papaya for mammary helpful, there is the effect of lactation. Women's lack of milk after eating papaya can increase milk; papaya and warm, able to recuperate the normal secretion of female hormones to achieve Breast effect. With yam (wild yam is a plus) intake, for hormonal balance and body conditioning environmental effect is a plus!

Ingredients: papaya, yams, corn, carrots.

1. Papaya (papaya is best green papaya), peeled, cut into squares.

2. Yam, peeled, washed, cut into pieces hob.

3. Corn stripped shell, shall, cleaned, cut into pieces.

4. Carrots, peeled, washed, cut into pieces hob.

Papaya yam corn soup (Source: Donglin vegetarian)

Papaya (Papaya), also known as pumpkin, rind is smooth and beautiful, sweet and delicious, nutritious, daily consumption in most of the raw fruit, fruit juice or fruit juice machine labeled drinking can also be made vegan, fried, boiled, pickled or processed made of candied fruit and other food, there is "one hundred benefits of the fruit", "fruits of the Emperor" and "Longevity melon," Blair said.

Papaya Rich folded more than seven amino acid and calcium, iron, etc., also contains papain and papaya alkali. Its vitamin c content is Apple's six times more than half a medium-sized papaya sufficient for adult day requirement of vitamin C.

Papaya has Jianpixiaoshi role. Papaya papain, can be broken down into fatty acids. There is also a papaya enzyme that can digest protein, help the body digest food and absorb; Its unique papaya alkali with anti-tumor effect, and can prevent human carcinogen eleven ammonium nitrite synthesis, on lymphoblastic leukemia cells has a strong anticancer activity.

Papaya and warm, nutrient easily absorbed directly by the skin, especially the function of the lungs can play. When the lungs are properly moisturize after feasible qi and blood circulation, the skin becomes smooth, soft, delicate, and therefore reduce wrinkles, ruddy face. Eat papaya, you can prolong life.

Papaya enzyme addition to help digestion, it can also help the body break down fat, but also can promote skin metabolism, help dissolve the accumulation of sebum in the pores and aging skin. Papaya enzyme also about many skin care products is one of the important ingredients.

Papaya also contains ingredients to promote breast flow, papaya for mammary helpful, there is the effect of lactation. Women's lack of milk after eating papaya can increase milk; papaya and warm, able to recuperate the normal secretion of female hormones to achieve Breast effect. With yam (wild yam is a plus) intake, for hormonal balance and body conditioning environmental effect is a plus!

Ingredients: papaya, yams, corn, carrots.

1. Papaya (papaya is best green papaya), peeled, cut into squares.

2. Yam, peeled, washed, cut into pieces hob.

3. Corn stripped shell, shall, cleaned, cut into pieces.

4. Carrots, peeled, washed, cut into pieces hob.

5. The mushroom, corn on the cob, cabbage, mushroom into the stainless steel pan, add water (add a little water, add soup middle is not raw water) cage steam for 1 hour.

6.1 hours, remove mushroom, corn on the cob, cabbage, mushroom reserved for other uses.

7. Take bowl, add yams, corn, carrots, pour Step 6 vegetarian soup, add a little salt, mushrooms fine cage steam for 45 minutes. Add papaya, and then steam for 15 minutes, remove the can.


pet dog love vegetarian diet

  According to foreign media reported on the 10th, for the vast majority of pet dogs, the juicy steaks, delicious ham undoubtedly make them salivating Today, there is such a dog, it is only interested in the vegetarian diet. Only named "Owen" Black Labrador owner introduction, once eating beef, pork or chicken, it will be a long body rash, swollen feet. Because meat allergies, turn vegetarian is a last resort thing. Today, even the master in "Owen" placed in front of tempting delicious meat, it is also indifferent. For Owen, the potatoes are specific foods every day. Master said, even when the family is eating barbecue, a barbecue out on the ground, "Owen" will turn a blind eye.


11 major benefits of a vegetarian

The benefits of a vegetarian diet: longevity

Often vegetarian can play the role of longevity. According to nutritionists, vegetarians than non-vegetarians better longevity. Turns muddy northern Pakistan and the Indian central Mexico, are all original vegetarian nation, the average life expectancy is extremely high, enviable. Buddhist monks also factor in food and enjoy longevity.

The benefits of vegetarianism 2: Reduce the accumulation of toxins

Vegetarian nutrition is very easily digested and absorbed in the stomach does not digest meat, and even goes to fashion a majority of the large intestine undigested or only half digested meat so corrupt heyday in the large intestine, and more with toxic, harmful.

The benefits of vegetarianism 3: lower cholesterol

Vegetarian contained in the blood cholesterol is always less than meat eaters, blood cholesterol levels if too many, often, can cause blood vessel blockage, a high blood pressure, heart disease and other illnesses the main reason.

The benefits of vegetarianism 4: can prevent cancer

Some closely related to cancer and meat, especially colorectal cancer, factors food contains a lot of fiber, can stimulate motility speed, which will help purge, so that the body of harmful substances discharged real time, reducing the harmful substances to stimulate the intestinal wall damage. According to U.S. research data show that vegetarians low incidence of cancer than meat eaters twenty to forty percent, coupled with gastric cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and food toxins, vegetarian really can delay cancer changes.

The benefits of vegetarianism 5: To reduce chronic disease

Renal insufficiency in terms of kidney disease, eating vegetarian, reduce burden on the kidney, without reducing protein intake. There are also vegetarian literature report to improve rheumatoid arthritis, plus vegetarian diet can improve immunity, can prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

The benefits of vegetarianism 6: Avoid excessive uric acid

Meat and often generate excessive uric acid, causing a heavy load on the kidneys, kidney stones and kidney failure, and the occurrence of a certain relationship, a vegetarian can eliminate this effect.

The benefits of vegetarianism 7: Helps body acid-base neutralization

Human body is alkaline, the meat becomes too easy to make body fluids acidic, and increase the chances of becoming sick, vegetarian would help physical acid neutralization.

The benefits of vegetarianism 8: Reducing risk of pancreatitis caused by

A lot of eating meat causes a sharp increase in the secretion of trypsin, pancreatic excretion will lead to pancreatitis and other serious digestive diseases. All fruits and vegetables instead of digestible cereal nutrition, easy to direct absorption, plant cellulose can stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, the support is not easy to loose fecal induration and prevent constipation.

The benefits of vegetarianism 9: Stable nervous system

In general, vegetarian usual cereals, nuts, vegetables, fruits, including enough protein, carbohydrates, vegetable oils, minerals and vitamins, are a variety of body essential nutrients. Vegetarian buildable body's tissues, but also maintenance repair and generate heat, the supply of human physical, people's blood alkaline based, does not make it hazardous to acidic and rich in vitamins, but also stabilize the nervous system.

The benefits of vegetarianism 10: enhance human endurance

Vegetarians than meat eaters better able to withstand a long period of hard work, nearly three times the contrast of this endurance; complete physical recovery from the fatigue of the time, vegetarians about one-fifth of meat eaters. Such as swimming, basketball, soccer, weightlifting, boxing, wrestling, walking, marathon long-distance race, bike race, and other world championship record, some are hit by a vegetarian athletes and maintained. These vegetarian athletes far beyond meat explosive athletes, endurance and physical fitness.

The benefits of vegetarianism 11: more nutritious

Protein in many vegetarian foods, higher protein content than meat. For example, with forty percent soy protein than meat protein containing twenty percent higher than the full double. Some nuts, seeds, legumes also contain thirty percent protein. Other human body needs a variety of nutrients and vitamins in fruits and vegetables are also addressed; coupled rich in fiber, can help digestion and excretion.


Fun vegetables

Fun vegetables

1、 Mushroom, red peppers, green peppers, cut into thick strips

2, Wok put the oil, first put mushroom stir the pot of water

3, then put ginger, green pepper silk, red chilli stir into the pot for a while

4、Transferred to soy sauce, a little salt


1Material: Seaweed Ingredients: ginger, red peppers, green peppers, parsley

2, Sauce: salt, sugar , soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, peanut oil

3, Dry Seaweed into the water (soak, soak time adjustment according to different varieties)。

4, Red peppers, green peppers, ginger, coriander clean, shred segments.

5, When the water was poured put the sea Velvet,30-40 seconds. Sauce poured Seaweed, a mix ingredients


Beauty products saint - Seaweed salad

1Material: Seaweed Ingredients: ginger, red peppers, green peppers, parsley
2, Sauce: salt, sugar , soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, peanut oil
3, Dry Seaweed into the water (soak, soak time adjustment according to different varieties)。
4, Red peppers, green peppers, ginger, coriander clean, shred segments.
5, When the water was poured put the sea Velvet,30-40 seconds. Sauce poured Seaweed, a mix ingredients

Five healthy food alternative milk

  Rice milk:

  Rice milk is boiled rice, brown rice syrup and brown rice starch. Rice milk on the market are usually added thickeners, sugar and vanilla. Because no animal ingredients, rice milk naturally by vegetarians and vegans welcome.

  Fire hempseed milk:

  Fire hemp milk hemp seeds is done, rich in nutritious omega-3 type fatty acids, iron and many other vitamins.

  Nuts Milk:

  Nuts Milk: Nuts add water to make milk, almond milk among the most popular. Although the taste is not like milk, almond milk with nuts stock pure taste very sweet, and less heat. There it is rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamins.

  Coconut milk:

  Coconut milk ice cream is another good ingredient. Very strong, with shares very delicious taste, coupled with a little chocolate and vanilla delicious.

Four delicious vegetarian

  1, Truffles, pistachio, grape leaf roll is an appetizer, wrapped in grape leaves with pistachios, mushrooms, etc., special sauce poured over the top, when you can eat the leaves roll also be eliminated, with a slightly acidic taste fragrance. Lebanon Ta Bole, Wobble very interesting, arched bridge-like dish candy diced onions, tomatoes, etc., in Middle Eastern spices do best role.

  2, Wild mushroom meal, the ordinary Risotto made ​​amazing feeling. Accompanied by five kinds of high quality ingredients matsutake mushroom season along with the rice cooked, add white wine saffron silk modulated, so that a seemingly simple risotto became senior up every grain of rice has absorbed the mushroom flavor, which taste, only use one word to describe - fresh! e truffles, pistachio, grape leaf roll is an appetizer, wrapped in grape leaves with pistachios, mushrooms, etc., special sauce poured over the top, when you can eat the leaves roll also be eliminated, with a slightly acidic taste the fragrance. Lebanon Ta Bole, Wobble very interesting, arched bridge-like dish candy diced onions, tomatoes and so on.

  3, Seasonal vegetables Taji pot, is one with style dish, covered with a hat shaped like a tower like a crispy rolls. Also eat fun, hands slightest exertion will roll crushing brittle, with a bowl of mixed vegetables Bansi can, couscous with crushed sesame seeds and other aromatic ingredients added, so that the whole dish with richer.

  4, French Green fennel liqueur ice cream .

Vegetarian diet can reduce wrinkles

  1, the orange peel pounded, dipped medical alcohol, be moderate honey, put a week later, to lubricate the skin and remove wrinkles

  2, banana mash, add half a tablespoon of olive oil, stir bar evenly coated in the face

  3, watermelon rind washed with water after the cleaning surface, and then washed with water wash, can make the skin fresh, smooth.

  4, loofah wrinkles, the wire juice mixed alcohol and honey, the juice applied to the face, until dry and then washed with water.

  5, cucumbers clean face. Just put sliced ​​cucumbers in a clean face, make the skin delicate lubrication, remove wrinkles.

  6、Chestnuts pound fine, with honey and mix thoroughly coated surface, can face smooth, wrinkles and stretch.