
Repeatedly proven to help you fight off illness---- Vegetarian

Cancer prevention

Because naturally contain low in saturated fat , high in fiber , and a large number of anti-cancer phytochemicals , vegetarian help prevent cancer. In the UK and Germany, large-scale study conducted showed that compared with meat eaters , vegetarians cancer incidence rate is about 40% lower . In the U.S., a member of Seventh-day Adventists studies have shown that people who avoid meat cancer risk was significantly reduced. Again, like in China and other plant-based diet as the basic diet in countries incidence of breast cancer is much lower. Interestingly, in order to follow the Western meat -based diet of Japanese women with breast cancer believe in the possibility of a more traditional plant-based diet for women eight times . Meat and dairy products are a variety of cancers, including colon, breast , ovarian and prostate cancer causes.

Harvard University, tens of thousands of women and men research shows that regular consumption of meat increases the risk of colon cancer approximately 300% , high- fat diet also causes the body to produce estrogen , particularly estradiol . Breast cancer and elevated estradiol levels . A recent report pointed out that the consumption of animal fats largest group of premenopausal women with breast cancer incidence rate in consumption of animal fat, a group of women at least one-third higher . ( Vegetable fat no such difference ) . Another study by the University of Cambridge also shows that a diet high in saturated fat associated with breast cancer . One study showed that dairy products and ovarian cancer risk increased about. Break down lactose ( milk sugar ) in the process became obvious damage galactose ovaries. Meat per day increased the risk of prostate enlargement twice the risk of drinking milk regularly doubled without regular consumption of vegetables is nearly three times the risk .

Vegetarians avoid eating animal fat associated with cancer , and get rich in fiber , vitamins, and anti-cancer phytochemicals . In addition, the analysis shows that vegetarians blood containing higher levels of "natural killer cells ." Such specialized white blood cells to attack cancer cells .

Beat heart disease

Vegetarian diet can help prevent heart disease. Animal products are the major source of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet only source . Vegetarians avoid these dangerous products. In addition , fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels and animal products do not contain any fibers. When people switch to high-fiber , low-fat diet , their serum cholesterol levels tend to decline significantly . Studies have shown that low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian or vegan diet and stress reduction, smoking cessation , and exercise combined with prudent drug intervention or compatible , can actually reverse atherosclerosis. The so-called cardiac diet ( this diet containing meat , dairy products, chicken ) is far less effective , usually only slow down the process of atherosclerosis .


In the early 1900s , nutritionists found that people who do not eat meat lower blood pressure . They also found that eating vegetarian can be in two weeks, significantly reduce a person's blood pressure. These significant results and the level of sodium in vegetarian irrelevant . Vegetarians usually lower blood pressure . No one knows exactly why vegetarian so effective, but may be due to reduced consumption of meat , dairy products and plus fat can reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing blood pressure. Plant products are generally low in fat and sodium -containing and no cholesterol. Vegetables and fruits are also rich in potassium , which helps lower blood pressure.

Prevent and reverse diabetes

Through a low-fat vegetarian diet plus regular exercise , non-insulin -dependent diabetes ( adult-onset ) diabetes can be better controlled , and sometimes even a full recovery. Low-fat, high-fiber and multi- complex carbohydrate diet can make insulin more effective role to play. Diabetes can more easily regulate blood sugar levels . Although we can not eliminate influenza vegetarian diabetes ( insulin-dependent ) insulin needs, but can often reduce insulin usage. Some scientists believe that insulin-dependent diabetes may be caused by autologous immune response of dairy proteins caused .

Gallstones, kidney stones and osteoporosis

Vegetarian diet has been shown to reduce the formation of kidney stones and gallstones opportunities. High in protein , especially animal protein diet high , often causes the body to secrete more calcium, oxalate , and uric acid . These three substances are the main components of urinary tract stones . British researchers suggest there is a tendency to kidney stones should vegetarian. American Academy of Family Physicians that high animal protein intake is kidney stones in the U.S. and other developed countries the main reason for the high fat and protein intake by limiting the proposal to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones .

Similarly, high cholesterol, high fat diet , that the typical meat- based diet and gallstone formation. Women eating meat risk of gallstones is vegetarian women twice .

For many of the same reasons, vegetarians lower risk of osteoporosis . Because animal products cause the discharge of calcium from the body , eating meat will lead to bone loss. In the main vegetable diet ( no dairy intake ) countries , osteoporosis is less common than the U.S. , although they calcium intake is lower than the Americans . Calcium is important, but did not need calcium intake from dairy products .

