
Slimming recipes

1, Sesame: sesame provides the human body needs vitamin e, b1, calcium, especially in its composition in oleic acid, can remove cholesterol attached to the vessel wall.

2, Bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium, fat, and sodium content is very low, in line with beautiful legs nutritional needs.

3, Apple: Apple contains soluble fiber pectin bowel, prevent lower body obesity.

4, red beans: increase gastrointestinal motility and reduce constipation and promote urination, which contain cellulose can help the body excrete water, fat, etc., on the legs with one hundred percent results.

5, Watermelon: watermelon diuretic, also a lot of potassium, it can not underestimate the ability of modified legs.

6, pomelo: low calorie, rich in potassium content, if you want to become Miss Legs can be the first taste of pomelo.

7, Celery: Celery contains a large number of glial calcium carbonate, can add calcium needed straight legs, but also rich in potassium, can prevent lower body edema.

8, pineapple: Eat pineapple can promote blood circulation, fresh nutrients and oxygen to the legs, restore leg strength.

9, Kiwi: Kiwi is rich in cellulose, absorb moisture expansion, satiety and increase the speed of decomposition of fatty elements, avoiding excess fat so the legs thicker.

10, tomatoes: tomatoes have a diuretic effect and remove the leg fatigue, prolonged standing beauty, you can eat tomatoes guarantee leg strength.

